5 copper spoons 銅製スプーン5本
A spoon made by hammering a copper rod. The part that you put in your mouth when you eat it is lined with tin. It's heavier than a regular spoon. 銅の棒を叩いて作ったスプーンです。 食べる時に口にいれる部分には錫を引いています。 普通のスプーンに比べると、重みがあります。
Copper server 銅製サーバー
This pot is made of copper, so it is durable and can be used for a wide range of outdoor activities such as camping and everyday life. Would you like to spend a quality outdoor life in nature? This item is sure to enrich your camping life! *This price is for the copper server only. Height 11.5cm Diameter 10.5cm Depth 11.5cm Width 10.5cm このポットは、銅製なので耐久性もあり、日常生活にはもちろん、キャンプなどアウトドアに幅広くご利用いただけます。自然の中で、上質なアウトドアライフを過ごしてみませんか? この一品は、あなたのキャンプライフを豊かにしてくれること間違いなしです! ※こちらは、銅製サーバーのみの値段になります。 高さ11.5cm 径10.5cm 奥行き11.5cm 幅10.5cm
Copper kettle 銅製ヤカン
Copper kettles that can also be used as tableware are perfect not only for making coffee or tea, but also for cooking soups, stews, cup noodles, etc. Copper's unique high thermal conductivity is also attractive. *This price is for the kettle only. *Please be careful not to get burned. Height 13.5cm Depth 15cm Width 12.5cm Height including handle 20cm 食器としても使える銅製ヤカンは、コーヒーや紅茶を入れるだけでなく、スープや煮物、カップラーメンなどの調理にも最適です。また、銅独特の熱伝導率の高さも魅力です。 ※こちらは、ヤカンのみの値段になります。 ※火傷にご注意ください。 高さ 13.5cm 奥行き15cm 幅12.5cm 持ち手を含めた高さ高さ20cm
copper and silver vase
kuromidou and silver vase
small bottle flowers
small bottle ship
Round copper tray 丸い銅のお盆
It is a round copper tray. It has an oxidized copper finish and is easy to use. This tray was handmade by craftsmen. In order to bring out the unique color of copper, each piece is carefully finished, with attention to detail. Therefore, the surface patterns and colors are all different, making it the only one of its kind in the world. When serving tea or coffee to your guests, you can show your hospitality by simply placing it on a tray. It's also the perfect size for home use, making it perfect for everyday use. We hope that having this round copper tray in your life will make your tea parties and cooking even more enjoyable. Please come and pick it up. Diameter 35cm Height 1.5cm *Please wipe with a soft cloth after use. 丸い、銅製のお盆です。銅のいぶし仕上げで、使いやすい一品です。 このお盆は、職人が手作業で作り上げました。銅独特の色合いを出すために、細かい部分にもこだわり、一つずつ丁寧に仕上げられています。そのため、表面の模様や色味が全て異なり、世界に一つだけのお盆になります。 お茶やコーヒーをお客様に出す際、お盆の上にのせていただくだけでも、おもてなしの気持ちを表せます。また、家庭用としても使えるサイズ感なので、普段使いにも最適です。 この丸い銅のお盆があなたの暮らしの中にあると、一層お茶会や料理が楽しくなりますように。是非、手に取ってみてください。 径35㎝ 高さ1.5㎝ ※使用後は柔らかい布で拭きあげてください。
Copper milk pan 銅製ミルクパン
Thanks to the quick heat transfer unique to copper, you can enjoy delicious, warm milk at any time. Copper products are not only durable, but also easy to clean. It is a product that will be loved for a long time and will become more flavorful the more you use it. Even if you place it in your kitchen, it will become a stylish interior. This copper milk pan is carefully crafted by artisans. Each handmade product fits in the user's hand and creates a sense of attachment to it. Every time you use it, the atmosphere of your dining table will improve and you can enjoy a rich time. Body diameter 10cm, upper mouth 10cm x 10.5cm 21cm including handle, handle length 11cm 銅製ならではの素早い伝熱で、いつでも美味しく温かいミルクを楽しめます。 銅製品は耐久性が高いだけでなく、お手入れも簡単。使い込むほどに味わい深くなる、長く愛せる一品です。キッチンに置いても、おしゃれなインテリアになるでしょう。 この銅製ミルクパンは丁寧に職人の手によって作られました。一つ一つ手作りされた製品は、使う人の手に馴染み、愛着が湧きます。使うたびに、あなたの食卓の雰囲気がアップし、豊かな時間を味わってください。 胴体の径10㎝ 上口10㎝×10.5㎝ 持ち手を含む21㎝ 持ち手の長さ11㎝
Copper two-handed pot 銅製 両手鍋
A copper two-handled pot is a beautiful handmade copper product. Inside it is tinned. This combination of copper and tin provides high thermal conductivity and allows for optimal temperature control for cooking. In addition, the handle of the two-handed pot is made of brass material. It also has a beautiful appearance, so it can be used as a stylish addition to your dining table. This copper two-handed pot is handmade by craftsmen. Therefore, there may be slight individual differences between all products. Why not create a wonderful dining table with this two-handled pot, which was made by craftsmen with a lot of time and effort? *Care must be taken when handling. If you take good care of it, you can use it for a long time. Diameter 14cm Height 10cm Height including lid 13cm Top diameter 12cm Copper products with tin coating inside. 銅製の両手鍋は、手作りで作られた美しい銅製品です。その中には、錫引きが施されています。この銅と錫の組み合わせによって、熱伝導性が高く、調理に最適な温度管理が可能になっています。 また、両手鍋の持ち手には真鍮素材を使用しております。 また、見た目も美しいので、食卓でのおしゃれな演出にも使えます。 この銅製両手鍋は、職人の手仕事によって作られています。そのため、全ての商品に微妙な個体差が生じることがございます。手間暇かけて職人によって作られたこの両手鍋で、素敵な食卓を作ってみませんか? ※取り扱いには注意が必要です。しっかりと手入れをしていただくことで、長くご使用いただけます。 径14㎝ 高さ10㎝ 蓋を含む高さ13㎝ 上口径12㎝ 銅製品 中に錫引きをしています。
Zodiac Bell 干支のちりん
Made of brass Tube part diameter 2.8cm height 4.2cm "Zodiac Bell" delivers a pure tone no matter where you are. Crafted from brass, this bell features silhouettes of zodiac signs. The moment you hold it in your hand, your heart will be gently enveloped by the beautiful tone played by this bell. This bell is carefully crafted one by one by craftsmen. This bell also creates a "Japanese" atmosphere. The soothing tone will bring out a natural smile. *Please note that due to the characteristics of the material, it may discolor if used for a long time. 真鍮製 筒の部分 径2.8cm 高さ4.2cm どんな場所でも清らかな音色を届けてくれる「ちりん」。真鍮製で作られたこのベルには、干支のシルエットがあしらわれています。手に持った瞬間、このベルが奏でる美しい音色に心が優しく包まれます。 このちりんは、職人の手で一つひとつ丁寧に作られています。おさるのちりんは、"和"の雰囲気も演出してくれます。心癒される音色が、自然な笑顔を引き出してくれることでしょう。 ※素材の特性上、長時間使用すると変色する場合がありますのでご注意ください。
Distant Fireworks
Work name:Tan-kuromidou rounagasimizusasi 「Distant Fireworks」 Material: Black copper Silver Approximate Size: φ365×h70(mm) Approximate Weight: 1700g The METAL HAMMERING technique involves shaping metal through processes such as "hammering," "stretching," "compressing," and "joining" using a metal hammer. Afterward, various "coloring" processes are applied to complete the artwork. Although metals are generally perceived as rigid, they are actually moderately soft and possess a certain degree of flexibility. Leveraging this flexibility to the fullest extent is a distinctive feature of METAL HAMMERING.
The lake breeze
Work name:Tan-oudou kohro「Lake breeze」 Material: Brass Silver Melt Silver Approximate Size: φ130×h150(mm) Approximate Weight: 680g I create art pieces and lifestyle crafts using the traditional Japanese technique of metalworking, known as "METAL HAMMERING." The METAL HAMMERING technique involves shaping metal through processes such as "hammering," "stretching," "compressing," and "joining" using a metal hammer. Afterward, various "coloring" processes are applied to complete the artwork. Although metals are generally perceived as rigid, they are actually moderately soft and possess a certain degree of flexibility. Leveraging this flexibility to the fullest extent is a distinctive feature of METAL HAMMERING.
Work name:Tan-dou kaki「Flow」 Material: Copper Silver Approximate Size: φ180×h170(mm) Approximate Weight: 1100g I create art pieces and lifestyle crafts using the traditional Japanese technique of metalworking, known as “METAL HAMMERING.” The METAL HAMMERING technique involves shaping metal through processes such as “hammering,” “stretching,” “compressing,” and “joining” using a metal hammer. Afterward, various “coloring” processes are applied to complete the artwork. Although metals are generally perceived as rigid, they are actually moderately soft and possess a certain degree of flexibility. Leveraging this flexibility to the fullest extent is a distinctive feature of METAL HAMMERING.
Water sound
Work name:Tan-kuromidou kouro「Water sound」 Material: Black copper Silver Approximate Size: φ85×h70(mm) Approximate Weight: 180g The METAL HAMMERING technique involves shaping metal through processes such as "hammering," "stretching," "compressing," and "joining" using a metal hammer. Afterward, various "coloring" processes are applied to complete the artwork. Although metals are generally perceived as rigid, they are actually moderately soft and possess a certain degree of flexibility. Leveraging this flexibility to the fullest extent is a distinctive feature of METAL HAMMERING. 金魚の模様が火屋の透かしで入っている香炉です。 サイズは径90×高70㎜で、小ぶりです。 本体は、銅でできており、煮色仕上げで赤茶色に発色させています。 火屋は純銀でできており、いぶし色に発色させています。
Pear pendant top 洋梨のペンダントトップ
A pear-shaped pendant top made of brass and silver. The branches and leaves are made to sway. The brass is colored by boiling it. Please be careful not to rub too hard as the color will come off. *Please be careful if you have allergies. Wipe with a soft cloth after use. 黄銅と銀で作った洋梨型のペンダントトップです。 枝&葉、のところが揺れるようにできています。 黄銅は煮色仕上げで発色させています。 強く擦ったりすると色がハゲてきますのでお気をつけください。 ※アレルギー体質の方はご注意ください。使用後は柔らかい布で拭いてください。
Apple pendant top りんごのペンダントトップ
This is an apple-shaped pendant top made of copper and silver. The branches and leaves are made to sway. Copper is colored by boiling it. Please be careful not to rub too hard as the color will come off. *Please be careful if you have allergies. Wipe with a soft cloth after use. 銅と銀で作ったりんご型のペンダントトップです。 枝&葉、のところが揺れるようにできています。 銅は煮色仕上げで発色させています。 強く擦ったりすると色がハゲてきますのでお気をつけください。 ※アレルギー体質の方はご注意ください。使用後は柔らかい布で拭いてください。
Rabbit in the waves obidome 波に兎 帯留め
It is an accessory that is passed through the obi when wearing a kimono. The rabbit is made of silver and the eyes are inlaid with copper on a quarter silver wave. The color is developed with a boiled color finish. The base is brazed with silver. The area through which the obi is passed is about 1.1cm. 着物を着るときに帯に通すアクセサリーです。 四分一銀の波のに、兎は銀、目は銅を象嵌して作っています。 煮色仕上げで発色させています。 土台に銀を鑞付けしています。 帯を通す部分は、1.1㎝ほどです。
Rabbit in the cloud obidome 雲に兎 帯留め
It is an accessory that is worn through the obi when wearing a kimono. The rabbit is made of quarter silver and the eyes are inlaid with copper on a silver cloud. The color is developed with a boiled color finish. The base is brazed with silver. The area through which the obi is passed is about 1.1cm. 着物を着るときに帯に通す、アクセサリーです。 銀の雲に、兎は四分一銀、目は銅を象嵌して作っています。 煮色仕上げで発色させています。 土台に銀を鑞付けしています。 帯を通す部分は、1.1㎝ほどです。